Monday, August 13, 2018

Orchard Ranch BLOG August 2018

Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year. We are are so excited to have 750 students at Orchard Ranch this year. It's a little smokey, a little hot and we are stating a little earlier, but so far it's been great getting to meet our new Broncos and start the year off with a bang.

This BLOG is to help better inform our families about what's going on at The Ranch. We will continue to utilize social media and our website to share information, but our hope is that you will have another place to look up information for the school.



Orchard Ranch Website: OR Website

Currently, we are experiencing unprecedented growth in this area. We would like to thank you for your continued patience as we begin the school year with nearly 250 more students and families than last year.

Walking in the Morning: Students at OR walk the playground in the morning. This helps students warm up to school and avoid possible conflicts on the playground prior to the start of class. (i.e. basketball disagreement, didn't get a ball, arguing over rules)

Things to remember...

  • At the beginning of every school year, pick up and drop off is always CRAZY. It will get better, as families learn procedures and students gain more confidence entering and exiting the school.
  • Kindergarten AM/PM requests: Unfortunately, we don't have enough space to do all morning or all afternoon kindergarten. We will try our best to balance out the classes and meet the needs of our families.

Please remember to follow the rules of the parking lot. 

  •  Drop off and Pick up only in the right lane.
  •  Use the left lane for pull through
  •  DO NOT Leave Car unattended
  •  Refrain from being on cell phone
  •  DO NOT use left lane to go around a car in the drop off/pick up land and then pull in.

Staff Communication: Out here at The Ranch we only have 3 Walkie talkie Channels. Unfortunately, at different point throughout the day we pick up the chatter from construction and the surrounding schools. So, to better communicate with our staff, we use Voxer. It's a walkie talkie/texting app that allows staff to communicate with each other during work hours. If you see staff on their phone, this is most likely what they are checking, so we can locate children and get support if needed.

Dates to Remember 
Click HERE for Orchard Ranch Community Calendar

Friday, October 20, 2017

October 2017 Bronco Blog

Welcome to the Ranch

Note from the Principal

Happy Fall Broncos! We are officially 7 weeks in and things seem to be moving in a wonderful direction. Our library has opened, PTC has been formed and Sami Circuit has officially graced us with his unmistakeable presence. Thank you for your ongoing support in helping to make Orchard ranch such a unique and amazing place to be. We look forward in continued growth in the coming months. We will continue to have library fundraising events as well as other family events that help help support our neighborhood family. Make sure to follow us on Facebook @RCSDOrchard Ranch and on Twitter @RCSDOrchard

Quick Thoughts

All four of my children are in some sort of athletics. One is in dance. Another is in cheer. One is in swim and the youngest is in fall ball and soccer. It's easy to try to coach them and tell them areas of improvement. I'm guilty of trying to get them to play or perform how I see they should. However, unless you are the coach, the best thing you can tell them is "it was a pleasure to watch you today". Ultimately, we want our kids to have fun, learn skills and love having us there. 

Water Donations

Thank you for donating water We had over 40 cases of water donated to the disaster relief efforts in Santa Rosa. OR PTC, thank you for organizing this collection. Community, thank you for showing your support!

Front Parking Lot

The best thing you can do in the parking lot is...
   *Please pull forward. 
   *Don't go around cars in the drop off lane. It's a safety  
*Don't drop off in the parking area. Park in the parking area. It's a safety issue.
   *Pick up your kids as far forward as possible.


We have begun scanning walkers, riders, scooters, and skaters. Our awesome scanning program is donated by the City of Roseville and is at no cost to the site. Please help us encourage students to take one of these ways to school and get scanned. If your child doesn't have a scanning shoe, please have them ask their teacher. If you sign up, you can receive texts that your child has arrived at school. My apologies for not being a Bronco in the video. 

Treats or Balloons?
The district health policy prohibits treats being given out for birthdays or rewards. Please DO NOT bring baked goods or candy for your child's birthday celebration. We would love goodie bags, or other non-edibles to help celebrate. With a state of the art school comes a state of the art fire system. Balloon that rise to the ceiling trigger fire alarms, because the system think they are smoke. Please DO NOT bring balloons to the ranch. Flowers are ok! 

Buster now. 
My dog Buster as a puppy.

Pets on campus

We understand that pets are part of the family and we LOVE them. Here is a picture of my dog, buster. However, please refrain from bringing any dogs onto campus. We have students with allergies and fears. Though we absolutely love dogs and all animals here, unfortunately, we can't have them come onto campus. 

Prepare for Fall and Rain

The rain is coming and with that preparing our parking lot for an influx of cars and children getting dropped off. 
  • Please be PATIENT in the parking lot. We have nearly 500 kids getting dropped off.
  • Umbrellas are encouraged if children are walking.
  • Students can wait under the front overhang.
  • Please try to continue to use our three entrances and exits as much as possible.
  • Thank you, in advance, for you patience and support. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Board Results

Book Fair

The Orchard Ranch Elementary Book Fair will take place October 23-27.  Our online book fair is October 20-29.  Please visit our book fair homepage for details of our Book Fair shopping hours and events and you can shop online as well. 

Orchard Ranch Elementary Book Fair: